Friday, December 7, 2012

Design Team Call for Translation

It came to my attention that the graphic isn't able to be translated.  Here is the call text for our international applicants!

Blue Fern Studios Design Team Call

Blue Fern Studios, located in the United States, is a  brand new manufacturer of high quality and sophisticated chipboard products.  Although we will not be officially open for business until January 1st, we are now in search of our first ever design team!  If you love to create - whether it be scrapbook layouts, handmade cards, mixed media art, or altered projects - we encourage you to apply! We are seeking crafters of all kinds, and we are accepting applications internationally.

To Apply:

Please email the following information to Please be sure to include "Design Team Application" in your subject. Application deadline is December 20th, 2012.

Full Name
E-Mail Address
Blog Link
List of Current Design Teams
Links to Current Online Galleries
Short Bio
(3) Projects that best showcase your style (preferably using chipboard, but not required). Please resize to 650 pixels.

If selected, successful applicants will serve a 6 month term, creating (3) projects per month (choice of layouts, cards, or altered projects- or a mixture of all three!), and will be compensated with a substantial selection of our products. New designers will be notified once selection is complete, and the new design team will be officially announced December 26th, 2012.

We look forward to reviewing your applications, and wish you the best of luck!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Please excuse our mess...

We are just getting settled in and hope to be opening for business at the end of December.  Please excuse the mess while we get the website finished and get our product ready to ship to retailers.

Be sure to check back in a few days as we will be announcing our very first DT Call!!